I live between the South of France and Byron Bay NSW Australia.

I have worked as a decorator/ stylist in some capacity for over 35 years now.

I love what I do. I recently closed my store in the UK mainly due to wanting time to write and travel. This I am achieving, though I do miss having that set to fiddle with and titivate. In a perfect world I would love to do up a beautiful Chateau here in France using authentic materials and working with genuinely talented craftsmen. We have a great team here and I am constantly researching salvage and building materials as well as antiques, decorative items and limewash paints. I have worked a lot out of India and I adore working with the crafts people there, on the factory floor, starting with an idea and watching it become something beautiful, every step of the way.

I am not a person who can acquire things off the internet…I have to feel the texture, see the detail, watch the movement. I need to feel the spirit in things because, I believe, it is the passion, involved in the making of beauty, that transposes itself into a client’s home and creates harmony by a form of osmosis.

Too much plastic and instant gratification in the world today. Good things take time. Too much focus on the look and not the quality. But there is so much beauty in the world and so many unsung heroes with skill at there finger tips willing to work the detail into things. How does one teach people to LOOK LOOK LOOK!!!

Nature helps us to see and this is why I bury myself in beautiful Byron at every opportunity I can get.

My book should be out next Spring…Keep a look out. I will post more as we go along.

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